Vending Bizz
Within the last 30 days, Vending Bizz got 6400 active users and was successfully monetized. Our client and a founder of Vending Bizz, Kashief Edwards, is from Philadelphia. He is a businessman running several vending projects in the USA. He also has numerous followers on social media, a website and even wrote a book about vending. So our team was highly pleased to work with such a prominent person in this field, and we quickly became a trusted partner for his next and engaging idea- create an app to gain more users, boost loyalty and expand the business.
Product Concept
The idea of Vending Bizz was to expand vending machines across the US and help users find where they are located, according to factors, such as state, city, closest location of these machines, and more. Even though vending machines are in high demand now, it could be challenging to find them near you without hours of searching across the city. This is why Vending Bizz has been developed to ease the whole process and help customers effortlessly enjoy what they were looking for.