The Physact platform was founded by a group of people with the physician as a founder. Thanks to the experience of the app’s founder, the team decided to develop a product that would provide a convenient system for patients struggling with depression. The client is from Sweden, where such programs have already been applied and successfully used for treating depression through physiotherapy.


Customer Idea

Since doctors in Sweden found out that physiotherapy can help treat depression and applied for this program in clinics, the Physact platform was designed to make it easier for patients and doctors to connect in modern digital realities. The Physact is a mobile app for patients combined with a web platform for doctors that works as a bridge between doctors and patients struggling with depression. Our goal was to develop a product that will successfully launch, attract an audience and help people fight mild depression.

Screen app

Development Process

The development process started as soon as we allocated a team of developers and designers with relevant experience. There are two sides to the Physact app – one for patients and one for healthcare professionals.

The client side is a mobile app that requires a patient to get through registration to verify their identity. Once users are registered, they see a dashboard containing all their exercises prescribed by doctors.

According to the program, patients can see three types of exercises:

  • Workouts
  • Walking
  • Therapeutic (like reading)

To make it easier for patients to perform all tasks, exercise instructions are followed by videos. Using this feature, patients can discuss questions with their doctors and keep informed about the progress.

The third page is also a dashboard where patients can mark their feelings and overall well being on a weekly basis. The app also provides a weekly questionnaire where patients should answer questions about their health and mood so doctors can see the statistics.

The doctor’s side is a web interface. The platform contains the following:

  • A dashboard where doctors can check all patients
  • Personal patent information
  • Answers on questions
  • Statistics and progress
  • Chat with patients
  • Calendar with planned activities
Color Palette


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  • a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
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Technology stack

Since the healthcare industry is tricky, we crafted a team of developers with specific skills, knowledge, and relevant backgrounds to make sure the final product meets all requirements and the client remains on the safe side of the law. The tech stack we have chosen includes the following:

Amazon Web Services


The Physact MVP has been successfully developed and soon will be launched. The client reported that our team was flexible and professional, so he enjoyed working with Interexy and soon will provide full feedback.

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